Sunny & 65 with Madi Schultz
Join Madi Schultz as she imperfectly pursues Jesus and emphatically encourages you to do the same. Through scripture, conversations, and testimonies— Madi's prayer is that you would walk away from listening to each episode with a greater affection for Jesus + experience the freedom He has for you in deeper ways.
| | @madelinschultz_ | @mackandbenj
Sunny & 65 with Madi Schultz
Episode 4: Angie Sears - Part 1
Angie Sears is one of my favorite humans on this entire planet, NO JOKE. She is my mentor, role model, best friend, and SO many other things. She is truly a gold mine and I can't wait for you guys to get encouraged by her like I do!!! She is a stay-at-home mama to four amazing girls, a wife to the best dude, and truly just a wonder woman in the faith. The Lord has given her so much wisdom to share. I'm so excited for you guys to get to hear from her!
INSTA: @madelinschultz_
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